PearlArc helps organizations reap timely, cost-effective and actionable insights from high volume and velocity of enterprise data and transform them into revenue streams.
Enterprise data has undergone a world of change in recent times. As per an estimate as of 2012, each day witnessed creation of 2.5 exabytes data.
It has become increasingly difficult to manage and make sense of very large amount of enterprise data in order to stay competitive in the marketplace.
Insights into customers, verticals, employees, market dynamics, and one's own internal processes and are critically required to outperform competitors. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to handle voluminous structured and unstructured data in varied formats for deriving actionable insights.
Data driven information is the bedrock for organizations. Towards this direction, Big Data offers a paradigm shift in the way data is explored, analyzed and consumed and it represents both exciting opportunities and associated formidable challenges in a Zettabyte Age.
Ensure effective information management with the use of Big Data and help organizations traverse on the path to business transformation.
Help in new product development and better employee productivity.
Provide holistic Big Data management for greater ROI and business agility.
Facilitate organizational transformation programs and initiatives.
Simplify Big Data analysis drastically to derive meaningful information for prompt decision making in real time.
Help explore valuable business insights.
Ensure better performance and decision support systems.
Recommend best-fit Big Data services and strategy strictly as per your organization information needs which are aimed at quantifiable business outcomes.
Equip organizations with actionable insights into their customers, employees, partners, suppliers, products and services.
Empower business with improved operational efficiencies.
Optimize information management with low business risks.
Provide both timely and cost-effective actionable insights through relevant and contextual data to sustain competitive edge.
Accelerate the exploration of insightful information.
Transform data into actionable insights and business revenues.
Help making sense of data deluge towards improving business agility.